Meeting Update: July 18, 2019

We had a GREAT – and different – meeting!! In addition to our update from Jennifer Fletcher from Send ‘Em Off Smiling on what our donation last quarter meant to the organization (97 kids helped with backpacks!!) we had 3 fine presentations!!

First up was KW Accessibility, then Front Door Mental Health and finally – and this got interesting – Bridges to Belonging. Why interesting? Well, one of the presenters was in an electric wheel chair – and as you know we are on the second floor up a twisty set of stairs.

So, what did we do? For the third presentation, we took a field trip to the waiting area of the restaurant downstairs. The presentation did the trick and after all the votes were counted, Bridges to Belonging was funded!

If you voted for one of our other two charities, please consider looking them up using the links above to find out how you can get involved, or even donate directly to them.


Our new co-host and my new partner in crime is Adam Smith – who is also taking over from MediaDoc for our web site design and upkeep! His company, My IT Guy and the expertise he brings to the game will certainly be a boon to our organization!! Welcome, Adam!!

Our next meeting will be October 17. We’re looking forward to seeing you there.

Thanks for giving a damn!

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